Written By: Lauren Howard

I need to talk to people.
To be clear, I don’t WANT to talk to people, but I NEED to.
I am wired for isolation. I want to stay in my introverted little world where no one talks to me except for the occasional text message.
On days when I am on the phone the whole day, texting people I adore, laughing with those who make my world turn, I’m as happy as a clam.
I feel dynamic, capable, and, dare I say, appreciated.
I know those are great days.
And as soon as they're over, I never want to do it again.
It’s like I have instant amnesia on the importance of interacting with other people, and I want to go back into my dark hole of please-no-one-ever-talk-to-me-again. I might as well have never known how much better my life is when I include other people in it.
Brains are weird, friends.
Sometimes, the hardest work we do all day is fighting against our own wiring.
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