Written By: Lauren Howard

I got a full makeover during a business call.
By a 5-year-old.
Her color palettes were, uh, fascinating.
Not what I would have chosen, but she’s an artist with a vision and who am I to argue?
The hairstyle was on point. I mean, many points. There were lots of different peaks.
We talked projections and partnerships while I was [gently] stabbed in the eye repeatedly.
Our childcare had to leave and while my 7-year-old was happily reading a book, my 5-year-old neeed more activity than that.
She was supposed to be coloring while I took the call, but she found my makeup bag and that was way more interesting. Before I knew it, there was blush and eyeshadow and concealer in places where I would not have chosen for them. I wasn’t on video, so my colleague was none-the-wiser.
She painted silently while I worked, and that in and of itself was a victory. The outcome was more Angelica from Rugrat's doll than I would have picked, but again, she had a vision.
Sometimes, I have to be both a mom and a business owner. In fact, I play both roles together more often than I get to play them separately.
I would not have it any other way.
I work from home, but I mom from everywhere.

Founder & CEO at elletwo