Written By: Lauren Howard

What even is professional?
Talking about chronic illness is professional.
Talking about women’s rights is professional.
Talking about workplace equity is professional.
Talking about maternal mortality is professional.
Talking about trauma is professional.
Talking about antiracism is professional.
Talking about authenticity is professional.
Talking about bias, unconscious or otherwise, is professional.
Talking about marginalization is professional.
Talking about harmful patriarchal structures is professional.
It’s a pretty safe bet that if you don’t think “controversial” topics like the above should be discussed on a “professional” platform, you’re probably benefitting from the current system in some way.
Showing up wholly who you are with what you’ve experienced and what you’re dedicated to change is professional. Full stop.
If you’re uncomfortable with people doing that in your professional spaces, you might need to take a look at why it threatens you. What are those conversations going to cost you? And did you earn those things to begin with?
You’re damn right LinkedIn isn’t Facebook. Now let’s do the work.

Founder & CEO at elletwo